PhD Thesis Discussion
The PhD thesis of student Mona Yassin Sabzkhoda at the Higher Institute for Infertility Diagnosis - University of Nahrain discussed her thesis The Role of Endometrial Scratch and…
PhD Thesis Discussion
The PhD thesis of the student, Amina Ismail Khalaf, was discussed at the Higher Institute for Infertility Diagnosis - University of Nahrain, on her message: Study the Effects of Intrauterine…
Discussion of a Higher Diploma Thesis
The thesis of the higher diploma equivalent to a master’s degree for the student Zainab Jawad Kazim was discussed at the Higher Institute for Infertility Diagnosis, entitled “Evaluation of Insulin Resistance…”
Chemical and Biological Safety and Security Training Course
The Higher Institute for Infertility Diagnosis and Assisted Reproductive Technologies, Al-Nahrain University, held a training course on the topics of chemical, biological and radiation safety and security for postgraduate students…
The Higher Institute for Infertility Diagnosis and Assisted Reproductive Technologies - University of Nahrain The Guidance Unit at the Institute organizes a workshop entitled (…
A stand of denunciation against the Israeli aggression
Under the direction of the respected President of Nahrain University, Professor Dr. Ali Abdul Aziz Al-Shawi, and under the patronage of Professor Dr. Ala Muhammad Al-Kawaz, Dean of the Higher Institute…
Competitive Exam Results for Postgraduate Students 2024/2025
Results of the competitive examination for students applying for postgraduate studies (Masters and Higher Diploma) at the Higher Institute for Infertility Diagnosis and Assisted Reproductive Technologies…
New pregnancies
Pregnancy after 4 and 17 years of infertility. Blessed be the name of the Most Gracious for this achievement. Success followed by successes recorded by the professors of the Higher Institute for Infertility Diagnosis/University of…
Visit of the Arab Council Medical Delegation to the Institute
You are most welcome. With these words, the medical delegation of the Arab Council for Medical Specializations was received by the Deanship of the Higher Institute for Infertility Diagnosis...