Department of Clinical Reproductive Physiology

The Department of Clinical Reproductive Physiology was established since the establishment of the institute to grant a higher diploma (equivalent to a master's degree) in assisted reproductive techniques. Doctors holding a diploma in obstetrics and gynecology or urology and reproductive medicine at least are accepted. This certificate qualifies the doctor who obtains it to provide scientific and systematic treatment services to infertile patients, which helps him to obtain high success results.

The studies and research conducted in the Department of Clinical Reproductive Physiology are directly related to infertility problems of various causes in women and men, with the search for scientific therapeutic solutions for a number of them using the forced sperm insemination device and the use of fluorescent microscopy to show the type of natural and abnormal genes. The department awards a PhD in Applied and Clinical Reproductive Physiology, as well as a Higher Diploma in Laboratory Techniques Assisted in Reproduction, where this certificate qualifies the doctor who obtains it to provide services to infertile patients in a scientific and systematic therapeutic manner, which helps to increase the rates of