New pregnancies

Pregnancy after infertility for 4 and 17 years 
Blessed be the name of the Most Gracious for this achievement, a success followed by recorded successes for the professors of the Higher Institute for Infertility Diagnosis / University of Nahrain. A new pregnancy case for a patient who is one of the institute’s patients, in joint work under the supervision and follow-up of the competent professors, Prof. Dr. Ala Mohammed Al-Kawaz and Prof. Dr. Manal Taha Al-Obaidi.  
After follow-up and treatment, IVF was performed after 4 years of primary infertility. 
 The second case of pregnancy for Professor Dr. Manal Taha Al-Abidi 
Pregnancy from frozen embryo transfer after 17 years of primary infertility 
May God bless their dedication and the dedication of the Assisted Reproductive Technology Department and its staff, without exception.