The Institute has a library that includes a number of basic scientific references in the Institute's field of specialization in infertility and its treatment, assisted reproductive technologies, embryology and other supporting sciences. The library has a medical information database MEDLINE. The library has multimedia communication capabilities and is connected to the Internet. The Institute is keen to provide modern scientific periodicals to keep pace with global scientific development. The Institute's library was established at the beginning of its establishment as an institute in 1999 to achieve the general goal of obtaining sources and information, processing them, organizing them and ensuring easy access to them through:
Loan services for all faculty members, medical staff, and postgraduate students affiliated with the institute and others.
Using the Internet to search for scientific sources in addition to the global information bases (Medline) and using the computer to search for local information bases (the book and periodical bases for the library’s holdings).
Providing the scientific departments with lists of the latest books that arrive at the library on a regular basis.